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Calculator Tool Loan

Easily calculate the monthly expenses of your business loan

Calculate your monthly expenses

If you plan to borrow, you naturally want to know what your monthly expenses will be. With our Excel tool, you can calculate the monthly costs of your business loan yourself. Download the calculator, fill in the file, and see an immediate indication of your gross monthly expenses for a business loan or business account. 

  • Download our calculation tool
  • Fill in the four fields at the top left of the file 
  • Immediately see an indication of your gross monthly payments and an overview of the costs of your business loan over the entire term. 

Good to know: all interest and handling fees are tax deductible. 

What is the average interest rate of a business loan?

The interest rates of a business loan vary. The most common business loans at Qredits are Microcredit and an Agriloan. The interest rates at Qredits range between 9,95% and 2% per year. The interest is charged monthly and depends on the outstanding balance. In addition to the interest, you also pay a one-time processing fee when taking out a loan.

Business loans

A frequently asked question is: how much money can I borrow for business purposes? The maximum amount you can borrow from Qredits AWG 200,000. This applies to both new and existing entrepreneurs. It does not matter if you already have an existing business. Qredits funds thousands of startups annually. As a self-employed person, you alone are liable for the loan. When you collaborate with partners as an entrepreneur, you are jointly liable.

After submitting your loan application, we will discuss it with you. Together, we will determine which product best suits your situation. View the overview of all products that Qredits offers here.

After receiving the business loan, you can start repaying it immediately. However, this is not mandatory. Qredits often has a period of 3 or 6 months where you only pay interest and do not yet repay the business loan. This gives you a bit more financial flexibility when starting your business or after your investment.


How much money can I borrow for business?

At Qredits, there are several loans possible. However, the Microcredit is the most frequently used loan. Therefore, check here how much you can borrow for business with the Microcredit.

loanAWG 0
Duration1 year
AWG 0per month
De rente voor Microkrediet is dit momenteel: 9,95%
Questions or need help?

Not getting there or have questions? We will help you! Also for advice on which loan, training or mentoring best suits your situation. Contact us.